Proximity Sound Events v1.4.4
A downloadable Plugin
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To use proximity sound:
Add the event command "proximity sound" to a parallel
Event ID = Assign the event you want to be the epi
center of the sound range
in the first parameter. (see instructions below for using remote sound emitter events)
Choose a BGS to play from the event specified in
parameter 1.
Specify what range you would like each volume to play
in the following
parameters. You may skip ranges for a smaller sound
* ***NOTE*** Sound will play at 100% if player is
stepping on the event.
* **For example, the default is a 10% decrease in volume
for each additional range of one tile. There are ten total sound ranges so
that means the
radius around your event that will play sound will be
10 tiles in all
directions. You can reduce the overall radius by setting
some range values
to 0. For example, if you wanted to set a radius of 5,
your parameters might look like this:
Event Id = (event number)
BGS = (BGS of your choice)
Range for BGS vol 100% = 0
Range for BGS vol 90% = 1
Range for BGS vol 80% = 1
Range for BGS vol 70% = 2
Range for BGS vol 60% = 2
Range for BGS vol 50% = 3
Range for BGS vol 40% = 3
Range for BGS vol 30% = 4
Range for BGS vol 20% = 4
Range for BGS vol 10% = 5
Range for BGS to stop = 6**
Choose whether or not you would like dynamic panning
turned on.
3D panning takes the players direction into account and
will be most useful in 3D games.
(included with the assumption that a 3D plugin will
eventually be made for MZ)
2D panning will work best in 2D games, it simply pans
based on which side of the player the event is on.
To play a sound from an event being controlled by another event you must use two plugin commands
- Use the plugin command "proximity sound" in the controlling event. This command is explained above.
- Use the plugin command "remote emitter" in the event you want the sound to be emitted from. No parameters are needed, the command just needs to appear in at least one page of the event.
Credit: Tea
Can be used commercially
Can be edited for personal use only
Cannot be redistributed, please link to page
Thumbnail avatar by Nowis-337
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Click download now to get access to the following files:
Tea_proximitySound.js 23 kB
Development log
- Update - Improvement to sound initiationJul 05, 2024
- Bug FixJun 16, 2024
- 1.4.2 - just some optimizationsJan 19, 2024
- Little hotfixJan 18, 2024
- Major updateJan 17, 2024
- Proximity sound updated to account for 8-dirJan 13, 2024
- Hotfix for critical bug, please update! :)May 08, 2023
- Bug fix updateAug 12, 2021
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It is very innovative and I am glad I found it, especially for being able to play BGS with loop points rather than SE
Thank you! ^^
unless I completely misunderstood how it works lol
This is awesome!
Thank you! ^^