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Just wondering how close to a demo as it looks really amazing.
Keep up the good work, and specially not rush it as I know it
takes time to make something promising and a good feel to
explore, so take your time.


Thank you! :D

Honestly it feels like it will never be finished, but I work on it nearly every day. I suppose if I keep that up it will get done eventually right? Right?! ...Please tell me I'm right lol.

I'm still bit torn/unsure about a demo. I'm leaning more for one than against one though.


I got the same way as you do, so your definitely right there.
specially when you got it, new idea's pop up to try.

Just take your time, and it will go out, I could be a bug squasher
as I'm good at it. I wait patiently as I like to know the story.

so take your time, RL goes first too as it could get in the way.
I definitely gonna play this one when it's downloadable ^^


Would you like to be added to the beta tester list?


Love too, I help you out where I can to make it as stable
as possible as I will break it where I can as I love to do that ^^

How do I have access to play the game? I found out through you liking my post on twitter :o 

I'm genuinely interested! I may have that type of disorder maybe it'll finally resolve what strife I've been facing and never had a word to dub it as.

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I'm glad you're interested! :D

It's in development now and doesn't have a working demo at the moment. I hope to release it within the next year. :D

So I decided to give it a try and I was actually really glad I played it. Understood is a short game were you play as Miriam, a cute monster girl that suffers from the inability to properly express her emotions, this could easily be a way to not get identified with her as she's the protagonist, but as a person that has a friend like this is depicted very accurately and it hit me way too close to home at some points. You basically do just some short quest in which you end up being an annoyance because of Miriam's problem. Also I must say I smirked and even laughed at some points, is pretty funny, and the characters are pretty likable, I wish it was a little longer and had more proper ending, since things are pretty rushed, but I understand as this game was made in less than a month. 
In a nutshell:
Cute and funny game which explores a real life disease, and I enjoyed. 


Thank you so much for playing and leaving feedback, I'm very glad you enjoyed the game! :)

I've heard many good things about this entry, both on the submission page and at the RM forums, and I finally decided I'll be giving this a go. It looks cute and the subject matter interesting.

On a slightly off-topic note, your LPs are pretty funny too!

Great job! I love the story and message here! Deeper than it originally appears to be, which is always a nice touch! Thanks for making a great game! :D

Great little game! Well crafted environments, attention to detail, and introduced me to Alexithymia, which was an interesting condition I had never heard of before. You have my vote, best of luck!

This game has an amazing story, one that can make you laugh and cry. Memorable characters and scenes, beautiful maps, easy gameplay. 

It will open your mind to Alexithymia, a personality construct difficult to relate to... Understood is a must play.

Thank you so much for playing the game, I'm glad it got it's point across. :D


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Thank you for playing the game! I'm glad you liked it :) .